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(每月優惠)🇯🇵日本|燃燒脂肪,加快新陳代謝|SVELTY 5黑燃脂丸 SVELTY Black Ginger Diet Supplement 黑しょうがx5つの黑

(每月優惠)🇯🇵日本|燃燒脂肪,加快新陳代謝|SVELTY 5黑燃脂丸 SVELTY Black Ginger Diet Supplement 黑しょうがx5つの黑

Regular price HK$148.00
Regular price HK$198.00 Sale price HK$148.00
Sale Sold out



♥150mg燃脂黑薑精華 — 燃燒內臟脂肪,促進血液循環、改善手腳冰冷

♥人氣黑蒜王 — 含豐富「蒜氨酸」,能代謝糖份、調整腸胃的蠕動

♥抗氧黑洋蔥 — 極高的抗氧化力,能促進肝臟脂肪代謝

♥燒脂黑胡椒 — 胡椒素(Piperine)可極速燒脂,減少脂肪儲存

♥暢便黑醋膠 — 平衡身體的酸鹼值,保持腸道健康 . .



❤️呢款「五黑」仲有2個selling point:

— 如果便秘既朋友食「五黑」,便便會變得暢順左😎

— 面上生左痘痘,佢都會幫你加快新陳代謝而好快好返!



– 促進體內脂肪燃燒,針對中央肥胖

– 雙效提升基礎代謝率,有效健康

– 含超級抗氧成分,瘦身同時美肌

– 臨床實證提升7.1%代謝率、內臟脂肪更減低達16%

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每日1次,餐前服用5粒(最好早上 / 晚上啊)

—— 香港售價$198(70粒only)😧

Svelty Black Ginger (150 Tablets)

Enriched with 5 black anti-oxidants and fat-burning ingredients, this supplement is to promote metabolism and helpful in shaping curvy and good-looking body.

Product Features:
• Anti-oxidant: formulated with effective anti-oxidant ingredients, such as black garlic and black onion, this supplement helps to combat signs of aging.
• Fat-burning: it helps to promote metabolism and hence burn more fat, which is beneficial for curvier and firmer body shape.
• Suitable people: it is good for people who lack of exercise, with low metabolism and always dine out.

• Black Ginger, Black Garlic, Black Onion, Black Pepper, Vinegar Extract: helping to burn more fat.

How to use:
5 tablets a day after meal.


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