🇯🇵日本 SHISEIDO 肌膚之鑰 皇牌光采無瑕妝前凝霜 乳霜 40g Clé de Peau VOILE CRÈME CORRECTEUR N Correcting Cream Veil 資生堂 クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ ヴォワールコレクチュールn
🇯🇵日本 SHISEIDO 肌膚之鑰 皇牌光采無瑕妝前凝霜 乳霜 40g Clé de Peau VOILE CRÈME CORRECTEUR N Correcting Cream Veil 資生堂 クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ ヴォワールコレクチュールn
🇯🇵日本 SHISEIDO 肌膚之鑰 皇牌光采無瑕妝前凝霜 乳霜 40g
Clé de Peau VOILE CRÈME CORRECTEUR N Correcting Cream Veil
資生堂 クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ ヴォワールコレクチュールn
嶄新注入Clé de Peau Beauté獨家護膚成分智慧亮肌精華 (Skin-Empowering Illuminator),有效應對三種破壞肌膚的細胞壓力,從而提升肌膚智慧,讓肌膚懂得分辨良好與不良的刺激,無懼紫外線、乾燥及老化侵害,讓肌膚達致最佳吸收力、修復力及防禦力,源源水潤滋養煥發鉑鑽光芒,臻達極緻無瑕的閃耀肌膚。
具多重防禦效能,有效針對紫外線 (SPF、PA)、氧化,新添突破性科研更有效對抗空氣污染,保護肌膚不受白天的外來壓力。在肌膚上形成均勻的隔離膜,阻隔空氣污染及灰塵等污染物,同時新添加抗污染薄膜 (Dust Block Veil) 將瞬間捕捉污染物質,從而淨化再轉變為非有害物質,讓肌膚免受侵害。擁有超卓持粧效能,有助解決脫粧問題的三大因素:暗沉、泛油和堆粉,預防過量皮脂分泌造成的油光和摺痕,維持長達8小時*的完美底粧。
Clé de Peau Beauté粧前乳霜注入加強護膚科技,完美體現品牌對先進科研、矜貴質感和優雅粧效的極致追求。
- 於護膚程序後,待護膚品被肌膚完全吸收後使用。
- 取1顆珍珠的份量於指尖,輕點於雙頰、額頭、鼻子、下巴,再向外均勻推開,塗抹在整個面部範圍。
- 待粧前乳霜推勻後,再塗抹粉底。
A universal skincare primer that instantly diffuses dullness and blurs skin’s imperfections for a smooth, refreshed finish.
With continued use, the skin achieves an even-textured surface with beautiful radiance.
Newly formulated with Skin-Empowering Illuminator, skincare ingredient exclusive to Clé de Peau Beauté. The skin-enhancing formulation helps to protect skin from damaging aggressors, bringing out a dewy, healthy radiance that evolves day-by-day. Additionally, it immediately evens tone and blurs pores, fine lines and dullness for skin that appears beautiful.
The enhanced lasting control function helps to resist shine and creasing caused by excess sebum, prolonging foundation’s finish for up to eight hours.* Also helps to avoid fading and caking. The multi-defense function helps to protect skin from environmental aggressors such as UV rays and dryness.
The skincare cream-like texture blends smoothly, luxuriously. A hydrating veil that amplifies foundation’s radiant finish.
This product supports the skin’s inherent potential against skin damages which can be caused by environmental aggressors such as dryness, UVA, UVB, blue light and infrared rays.
*Clinically tested in Canada by 30 women.
An approach to perfected skin that goes beyond makeup.
A classic, improved in performance.
Clé de Peau Beauté’s sought-after primer, now boosted with skincare technology. Its enhanced formula reflecting a dedication to science; to luxurious texture and an elegant finish. Creating a base for foundation that addresses the appearance of skin concerns both instantly, and over time.
The key to lasting luminosity.
The rise of a flawless finish.
- Allow skincare to sink in before applying.
- Squeeze a small amount onto a fingertip and dot onto five points (forehead, nose, chin, and both cheeks). Smooth evenly over skin.
- When the primer feels set, apply foundation.