🇰🇷韓國醫美修護塗抹式精華 DERMALINE 三文魚修護精華 PDRN Solution 35ML
🇰🇷韓國醫美修護塗抹式精華 DERMALINE 三文魚修護精華 PDRN Solution 35ML
DERMALINE 三文魚修護精華 PDRN Solution 35ML
Dermaline 三文魚針,國際新研發的成份,動物幹細胞技術,可以配水光,可以單獨深層皮下,可以微針,可以塗抹。
號稱:PDRN 水寶寶,利用專利技術將最適合人體的三文魚DNA均勻分割,精緻提煉出多核苷酸,傳遞到皮膚真皮層,改善受損肌膚內部生理條件,使肌膚內部環境狀態恢復正常,從根本上解決肌膚問題,挖掘肌膚深層美感的新療法:對毛孔粗大,皮膚暗黃,乾澀,無光澤,嚴重缺水,皮膚下垂、老化、鬆弛,面部皺紋,抗衰,皮膚水油平衡失調等肌膚問題。
A.(橙色盒)Dermaline PDRN三文魚能量臻緻精華 35ml 👉🏻 (橙色)三文魚修護精華
B.(綠色盒)Dermaline PDRN積雪草三文魚能量臻緻精華 35ml 👉🏻 (綠色)積雪草三文魚能量臻緻精華
PDRN Solution Salmon Ampoule is a mix of excellent ingredients such as Niacinamide, PDRN, Adenosine, and Centella Asiatica. It’s an excellent anti-aging and skin brightening product. It prevents your skin from fine-line and wrinkle formation. It also protects your skin against acne, pimple, and other skin problems. Additionally, it also allows your skin to heal and rejuvenate faster, improving your skin elasticity on the process. The Niacinamide allows the ampoule to function as a skin brightening agent to help you bring out that radiant skin.

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