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🇰🇷韓國|COSRX 王牌產品,敏感暗瘡肌可用|COSRX 低pH值弱酸性溫和早安潔面 low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser

🇰🇷韓國|COSRX 王牌產品,敏感暗瘡肌可用|COSRX 低pH值弱酸性溫和早安潔面 low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser

定價 £3.00 GBP
定價 £23.00 GBP 售價 £3.00 GBP
特價 賣晒啦!

COSRX 王牌產品,敏感暗瘡肌可用|COSRX 低pH值弱酸性溫和早安潔面 low pH Good Morning Gel 呢款COSRX絕對係一款敏感肌適合的溫和型潔面奶!🥰 特別推薦比敏感肌使用!!✨ 普通肌至敏感肌都可使用架!!😍😍😍 佢係一隻pH值介乎5.0~6.0弱酸性植物淨膚成分配方製成的溫和洗面奶 ✅ pH5.0~6.0酸鹼值係最接近人體皮膚的pH值,親膚性高! 皮膚其實係弱酸先係最佳狀態!! pH 值太高/太低都會引致皮膚有泛


Formulated with tea tree oil and natural BHA to refine skin, Good Morning Gel Cleanser has a pH level that's the closest to your skin's natural pH level, and leaves skin soft, moist and refreshed without stripping it of its natural oils.
How to Use:

Apply and spread Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser on dry face and massage gently.
Lightly moisten face and create a light foam, then spread on entire face with gentle circular motions.
Size: 150ml

About brand:

COSRX utilizes its 10 years of experience to continuously deliver functional, ingredient-rich cosmetics. The brand takes its name from the word "cosmetics" and the symbol "RX" (denoting "prescription") to affirm its commitment to creating effective, affordable and skin-friendly products. COSRX is known for its short ingredients list that features high quality and effective extracts and compounds that help trouble-prone, dry and dehydrated skin, as well as aging and sensitive skin. All COSRX products are 100% made in Korea and cruelty-free.
