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🇯🇵日本|鎮痛消炎,從根本治好暗瘡|PAIR 暗瘡膏 Acne Medication ペア アクネクリームW

🇯🇵日本|鎮痛消炎,從根本治好暗瘡|PAIR 暗瘡膏 Acne Medication ペア アクネクリームW

定價 $23.00 CAD
定價 $28.00 CAD 售價 $23.00 CAD
特價 賣晒啦!

⭐質地水潤不痴lup lup⭐
— 針對紅腫、化膿的暗瘡
— 有效地排出皮膚中的脂肪粒、殺滅原因菌及消除紅腫
— 對於「生長中」的暗瘡,能抑制脂肪粒形成,並逐漸消除
— 對於「已經成熟」的暗瘡,能夠釋出脂肪粒,從暗瘡根部進行治療
— 抑制因暗瘡菌造成的面皰,更可鎮痛消炎,從根本治好暗瘡
— 殺掉令暗瘡情況惡化的暗瘡菌,防止暗瘡惡化及持續
— 弱酸性,接近皮膚的PH值
— 清爽易吸收,非常溫和,不黏膩
— 低刺激純植物成分,沒有刺鼻味道
~ 建議晚上潔面後使用 ~
1. 徹底潔淨肌膚
2. 用指尖取出適量藥膏,然後輕輕塗於暗瘡患處
3. 待乾後再使用保濕產品護理肌膚
4. 若於暗瘡/黑頭粉刺形成初期馬上使用,能有效即時抑制暗瘡發大,亦不易留痕。




Lion PAIR Acne Cream W Acne cream from Japan Helps acne collapse quickly.
Reduce swelling, redness Due to inflammatory acne An acne treatment cream that removes toxins from the skin, reduces itching, blemishes, rashes and redness of the skin.
Restore moisture to the skin.
Acne cream helps solve problems for people who have problems with red blemishes, comedones, pimples and all types of acne.
Helps dissolve germs and kill acne on the face completely with a mixture of natural extracts.
Helps to manage acne problems on the spot gently and effectively.

How to use:
Use after the cleansing step in your skin care routine.
Take an appropriate amount and apply onto the affected area.

About brand:

A household brand name across the globe, LION is the manufacturer of various skin care products, toiletries, non-prescription medicines and health supplements. The Japanese brand began in 1891 as a soap shop in Tokyo, and continues to be loved and trusted today for its cleansing products like toothpastes and laundry powder.

