🇯🇵日本 COLUMBUS 運動鞋消臭抗菌清潔泡沫 小白鞋清潔 Rinse-free snakers care foam shampoo plus [Suitable for Cloth Tote Bags / Canvas Shoes / Sneakers]
🇯🇵日本 COLUMBUS 運動鞋消臭抗菌清潔泡沫 小白鞋清潔 Rinse-free snakers care foam shampoo plus [Suitable for Cloth Tote Bags / Canvas Shoes / Sneakers]
用 軟毛刷 或 乾布 抹走泡沫即可!
除去鞋面上的髒汙、異味,添加橄欖角鯊烷油和保濕成分,有效防止皮革退色和硬化。 ● 適用於多種材質 ● 舒服的香味,打破既有印象中清潔劑的味道 ● 含有保濕成分,防止皮革退色和硬化
● 使用方法
① 使用海綿或軟毛刷取適量泡沫。
② 在鞋子表面輕輕推開泡沫後刷洗。 *頑固污漬的部位需要反覆刷洗。
③ 刷洗後,在鞋子表面上有泡沫殘留的時候用軟布沾濕擦拭掉泡沫,泡沫務必完全擦拭乾淨,避免殘留,因可能會導致材質變異。
④ 擦拭乾淨後,請靜置於陰涼通風處使之完全自然風乾。
A waterless foam shampoo for cleaning sneakers
【Product Details】
●A Shampoo for sneakers made of leather, canvas and cloth.
●Protect from color fading and hardening by olive squalan and moistrizer ingredient.
●Available for leather sneakers because of compounding moistrizer “Olive Squalan”.
■What is Olive Squalane?
Squalane is a composition compounded of many cosmetics. Hydrogenated
“Squalane” is contained in mammals and plants. Squalane oxidizes easily.
To hydrogenate squalan makes it dificult to oxidize. Also squalan has a high
moisture and protects hardness of leather. Squalane is a superior to permeabilizes
which infiltrates composition quickly on leather.
【How to use】
①Take the foams to a sponge or brush.
②Spread the foams evenly on shoes
and rub lightly with a sponge or brush.
*Wash repeatedly on a dirty place.
③Wipe off the foams with a soft cloth
while it remains on the surface.
【Product Features】
●The foam shampoo makes easy to spread.
●Push the type nozzle.
●Push about 10 times/shoe.
*30 shoes are available per bottle.
●Keep out of reach of children.
●Some mateirals get stains easily. Apply to an inconspicuous place first.
●Put on a plastic glove to use the shampoo.
●Keep away from high temperature and direct sunlight.