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(每月優惠)🇯🇵日本 Cezanne Nuance on eyeshadow 四色珠光眼影 セザンヌ ニュアンスオンアイシャドウ

(每月優惠)🇯🇵日本 Cezanne Nuance on eyeshadow 四色珠光眼影 セザンヌ ニュアンスオンアイシャドウ

定價 $19.00 CAD
定價 $23.00 CAD 售價 $19.00 CAD
特價 賣晒啦!

日本CEZANNE 星紗四色眼影盤 Nuance On Eye Shadow Palette
新品4色眼影(Nuance On Eye Shadow)分為兩個色系,粉質完美服貼眼部肌膚,呈現出絲緞般的光澤感。混合了珠光係與薄紗系的粉質,延展性優秀,既適合打造單色漸變眼妝,又適合多色疊塗,展現清晰絕妙的眼部表情。


01 暖色珊瑚 Warm Coral:由粉色與橙色組成的珊瑚色系,幫您打造既有成熟韻味又透明感十足的眼部妝容。由於是接近肌膚顏色的暖色系,即使漸變疊塗也會非常自然。

02 玫瑰水晶 Rose Quartz:玫瑰色系能一掃肌膚暗沉,為塑造自然好氣色的皮膚加分。將粉色塗在眼皮中央可打造日係可愛妝容,塗在眼尾則會更添一分成熟魅力,是一款非常有女人味,溫柔的眼影盤。

03 復古青銅紅 Bronze Red

04 焦糖棕 Camel Brown


Contains clear veil powder that does not become turbid even when colors are layered.
The thin-film powder adheres to the eyelids and continues to develop a transparent color without thick coating.
With a rich pearl formulation, it has a glossy and glossy satin-like finish.
A smooth moist powder containing 5 types of beauty oils (squalane, olive fruit oil, jojoba seed oil, macadamia seed oil, canina rose fruit oil) (all moisturizing ingredients).
With double tip.
Nuance color that can be used in gradation or single color with 4 colors.
How to use:

Spread the color on the upper right over the entire eyelid and tear bag.
You can blur the lower left color from the outer corner of the eye and the lower right color along the eyeliner.
Put the color on the upper left in the upper eyelid or tear bag for a gorgeous look.
About brand: CEZANNE
CEZANNE promises a well-rounded beauty experience with its philosophy of "Three Kindnesses," which benefits the environment, the customer and the customer's skin. The brand's strategy includes using eco-friendly refillable containers, safe and simple formulas, and patch tests for all its products. CEZANNE's high-quality cosmetics adhere to its policy of easy-to-use products at affordable prices.
