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🇯🇵日本 SHIRO 酒粕化妝水 SAKE KASU & KOMENUKA LOTION 酒かす米ぬか化粧水

🇯🇵日本 SHIRO 酒粕化妝水 SAKE KASU & KOMENUKA LOTION 酒かす米ぬか化粧水

定價 HK$325.00
定價 售價 HK$325.00
特價 賣晒啦!
回購率第一的明星商品「酒粕化妝水」 使用傳統釀酒老舖「小林酒造」所產的純米酒粕製成的化妝水。 將成分縮減,只萃取酒粕中的精華為主要成分。因為成分單純,更可以感受最直接的保養效果,這就是SHIRO的人氣商品ー酒粕化妝水。 迅速滲透肌膚,補充水分與滋潤感。因為乾燥而黯沉的肌膚,在使用酒粕化妝水後,能迅速補充水分與滋潤,養成明亮、柔潤美肌。 容量 : 120mL ======================= SAKE KASU & KOMENUKA LOTION SHIRO's best-selling "Sake Kasu Lotion" has been renewed with an increased power. By adding komenuka (rice bran)*1, we have succeeded in doubling the ratio of ingredient-derived extracts*2. The combination of the penetrating power*3 of sake kasu (sake lees)*4 and the moisturising power of komenuka*1 allows the lotion to quickly approach dry skin. The sake lees*4 and rice bran*1 extracts are carefully extracted by hand at our own factory. The pleasant texture and gentle fragrance, achieved by the delicate pressing process, will make your skincare time special. A coin-size amount used daily, morning and evening, will last for about one and a half months. Contents: 120mL *This product does not come in a box. *1 Komenuka (rice bran) / Moisturising *2 Including extraction solvents *3 Up to the stratum corneum *4 Sake kasu (sake lees) / Moisturising

