🇯🇵日本 RICHELL TLI 刺蝟同萌三階段訓練杯套裝 SD (啡色) T.L.I Baby Step Up Clear Training Water Bottle Mug Set リッチェル トライ ステップアップマグセットSDブラウン
🇯🇵日本 RICHELL TLI 刺蝟同萌三階段訓練杯套裝 SD (啡色) T.L.I Baby Step Up Clear Training Water Bottle Mug Set リッチェル トライ ステップアップマグセットSDブラウン
一 專為訓練五個月左右的寶寶開始
◎ 離開奶瓶,逐漸進步,使用三階段的訓練背套裝
◎ 三階段使用方法:
▲ 用於訓練使用吸管飲用的水杯
▲ 部件較少,結構簡單,便於日常清洗
▲ 360° 任何方向都可以飲用的吸口
一 新型鴨嘴型吸口,可於傾斜時喝水
一 材質輕量,握把設計,讓寶寶更易於拿握
一 設計簡單,配件較少,更容易清洗
一 童趣配色,吸引寶寶目光,愛上喝水
一 全部配件都可以蒸汽消毒鍋消毒
類型 :鴨嘴吸管、吸管、直飲
容量 :200ml
材質 :矽膠 耐熱140℃ / 聚丙烯 耐熱140℃
The Richell T.L.I Baby Step Up Clear Training Water Bottle Mug Set empowers your child's growth with a flexible and holistic approach. Designed with safety and developmental progress in mind, this set ensures a smooth journey from straw training to cup independence. Richell T.L.I Baby Step Up Clear Training Water Bottle Mug Set is an adaptable and progressive solution for your child's developmental journey.
- Customizable Progression: This set empowers your child's transition from practicing straws to independent cup drinking by offering interchangeable mug parts.
- Seamless Steps: The set includes three spouts and plastic bottles tailored to your child's growth.
- Straw Lesson: A mug designed for straw drinking training.
- Straw: A portable straw mug perfect for outings.
- Cup Lesson: A mug for cup drinking training.
- Ease of Use: Replaceable parts make transitioning easy and hassle-free.
- Hygienic Design: Simple shape with minimal parts for easy cleaning and maintenance.
- BPA-Free Material: Ensures your child's safety and well-being.
- Tri-Mag Series: A comprehensive system that guides your child through three steps of growth – from straw lessons to cup drinking.
- Target Age: Around 5 months ~
- Materials: Polypropylene, Silicone Rubber
- Boiling and Chemical Disinfection: Suitable
- Microwave Disinfection: Applicable (excluding bottles)
[Set Contents]
- Straw Lesson Mug SD: 1
- Straw Mug Parts SD: 1
- Cup Lesson Mug Parts SD: 1