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🇯🇵日本 PELICAN 沛麗康去角質保濕蜜桃皂80g PELICAN Hip Exfoliating & Moisturizing Peach Soap Scub ペリカン石鹸 恋するおしり ヒップケアソープ

🇯🇵日本 PELICAN 沛麗康去角質保濕蜜桃皂80g PELICAN Hip Exfoliating & Moisturizing Peach Soap Scub ペリカン石鹸 恋するおしり ヒップケアソープ

定價 HK$42.00
定價 售價 HK$42.00
特價 賣晒啦!


- 針對容易摩擦而變得粗糙暗沉的部位,只需打圈起泡後洗淨,可改善皮膚問題!

- 全身可用,臀部,手肘,腋下,大腿根部,膝蓋,腳踝等需要恢復嫩滑的身體部位都可以使用,有助淡化黑色素!

- 針對久坐、內褲摩擦等產生的臀部肌膚暗沉、粗糙等問題設計。

- 添加桃子萃取磨砂粉末、蒟蒻、玫瑰蜂蜜和果酸等天然磨砂的去角質成分,溫和洗去臀部老廢角質和暗沉。

- 六種天然蔬果萃取的美容保濕精華成分,清潔同時呵護幼嫩的臀部肌膚,令肌膚更加柔滑有彈性, 恢復光潔柔嫩如桃子般的美麗臀部。

使用方法 :

清潔皂用溫水浸濕後, 在臀部及大腿粗糙部位重複打圈清潔, 然後用溫水沖洗乾淨即可。


1. 如發現皮膚不適合,或是有傷口,濕疹等異常症狀時,請不要使用。

2. 在使用過程中,如有發紅/腫脹/癢/刺激等異常時,請停止使用及聯繫您的醫生。

3. 如不小心入了眼睛,請立即用清水沖洗乾淨。

4. 請放置於兒童接觸不到的地方。

5. 請不要存放在炎熱或寒冷潮濕的地方,避免在陽光直射的地方。

- Peach shaped soap and contain scrub in it.
- Combine two scrubs of peach and konnyaku, and lead to a beautiful hip tsuru each time washing
- Hip care soap to wash dirt, dandruff and rough buttocks
- A scrub soap that get rid of skin darkness, discoloration and dead skin.
- Can be use on buttock, elbow, underarm, thigh, knees, toes, whole body!
- Freshly peach scent

From the day you use this, you will be beautiful all the way to your bottom. A scrub soap that cares for darkness (such as old dead skin, melanin), roughness and unevenness on the bottom. To use, wet the soap and glide it across areas of concern on the bottom and thighs in a circular motion.

Contents: 80g

How to use:
- Use the soap and scrub all over body for 5 minutes during bath.
- Wipe the soap thoroughly, and when you spin the parts of the posterior thighs and thighs, carefully slide it so that you draw a circle.
After that, rinse with lukewarm water.

About brand: 
Founded in 1949, Pelican Soap provides quality bath amenities like facial soaps, body soaps, bath salts, lotions, creams, and hair products under various brands. The company is famous for its medicated soap used to treat back acne, the Dot Washy facial soap for blackheads, and the Peat Stone soap series. Pelican Soap also offers OEM products for luxury hotels.



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たのめーる】ペリカン石鹸 恋するおしり ヒップケアソープ 80g 1個の通販


