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🇯🇵日本 KOSE Suncut 卓效防護美白防曬精華 SPF50+PA++++ ProDefense Whitening UV Sunscreen Essence 90g

🇯🇵日本 KOSE Suncut 卓效防護美白防曬精華 SPF50+PA++++ ProDefense Whitening UV Sunscreen Essence 90g

定價 HK$145.00
定價 HK$179.00 售價 HK$145.00
特價 賣晒啦!



  • 美白防曬精華蘊含雙倍活性成分,預防色斑、刺激和日曬損傷,保濕精華令肌膚持續透亮水潤
  • 日曬損傷防護配方蘊含50%精華,包括精緻肌膚營養複合物,透明質酸、薏仁提取物GL(保濕因子),和蘊含維他命C衍生物(產品抗氧化劑),幫助肌膚抵禦烈日驕陽
  • 防水配方,卓效抗汗、抗水、抗摩擦,防曬薄膜高度持久,不易被擦除
  • 過敏保護,緊緊貼合肌膚,幫助肌膚抵禦,花粉、灰塵與污垢等環境刺激
  • 使用肥皂、潔面產品、沐浴皂或類似產品即可洗淨
  • 不含香料,不含色素,不含礦物油,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯,溫和親膚


Can be used like skin care and is also recommended as a makeup base.
Waterproof that is resistant to sweat, water and rubbing.
UV film with excellent durability lasts without collapsing.
Can be used for swimming pools, leisure activities, sports in the scorching sun, going out in strong sunlight, and daily skin care during the day.
The allele guard function adheres to the skin and protects the skin from environmental stress such as pollen, dust and dust.
Can be removed with soap, face wash, body soap, etc.

How to use:
Whitening UV essence that prevents stains, freckles, and rough skin with W active ingredient.

Apply an appropriate amount evenly to your skin.If the amount used is small, a sufficient sunscreen effect cannot be obtained.When removing, wash carefully with a cleaning agent.

For face, use at the end of morning skin care.

About brand: 
Founded in 1946, Japanese brand Kose uses original technology and product R&D to conceive high-quality cosmetics. Kose also has a history of collaborating with well-known designers like Stephen Knoll and Jill Stuart to create skin care and beauty lines for various skin types. The Sekkisei brightening skin care series uses a Japanese herbal extract that gently moisturizes and protects skin while brightening the complexion. The Happy Bath Day line uses honey and Bulgaria rose oil extracts for ultra-moisturizing and nourishing effects on skin.

